Advent and Lenten Small Groups

These groups meet in Advent as a preparation for Christmas and during Lent as a preparation for Easter. These seasons are special times in our Christian journey.  They are a time of prayer, good works, sacrifice and penance.   We are all invited to put aside a little time to get to know the readings of these seasons through small groups.

Contact: Michelle Grimsted – (03) 5152 2942.

CLC (Christian Life Community)

The Christian Life Community (CLC) meets in the Parish Centre on Tuesdays from 2.00 – 4.00pm. The CLC way of life invites us to encounter God in various aspects of our everyday life, reflect on these experiences, become more aware of God’s activity in these experiences, and respond in more authentic ways to God’s desire within our individual lives and our communal lives.

CLC enables us to commit ourselves:

  • To bring the freeing power of Christ to our social reality. 
  • To find Christ in all our varied cultures and to let His grace illuminate all that needs transformation.
  • To live as true disciples so as to bring Him to every aspect of our daily life in the world. 


  • is a lay international Catholic organisation.
  • is a world community lived out in small local communities.
  • has a common way of life based on the SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF ST IGNATIUS.
  • has members from all walks of life.
  • helps members to respond more fully to God.
  • helps us find God in our experience.
  • helps us to integrate our faith and life.
  • helps us to make decisions for more effective action.

CLC is a group that shares insights of where God is active in our life. It is not a discussion group.

Tuesday Prayer Group

Meets each Tuesday, 7.30pm at Pattie Pruscino’s home. This Group started as a CLC Group but after twelve month of discernment decided to continue with no official connection to CLC.  Participants still follow the same process of discernment as CLC and Ignatius Spirituality. The Tuesday Prayer Group and CLC meet to celebrate the Feast of St Ignatius and share Guest Speakers. 

Contact: Pattie Pruscino – (03) 5152 2942.

Charismatic Prayer Group

Meets each Monday, 7.30pm at St Mary’s Parish Centre. Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) is a spiritual movement within the Catholic Church.  It emphasises the availability of the power and the many gifts of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer, and the need for a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ in order to live life to the fullest.

CCR aims:

  • To bring people to Christ.
  • To be a channel of grace for all who come.
  • To help people grow in holiness.
  • To help people to yield to the action of the Holy Spirit in their own lives, and in the service of others.
  • To give praise to God in all things.

The prayer meeting is characterised by expressive joyful praise, openness to the spiritual gifts including prophecy and healing, and an expectancy that God will speak and work in power within the meeting. Music is an important element, helping to lift the hearts of those present. There are also talks, testimonies and prayer, and prayer ministry is always available.

We see ourselves as an integral part of church life, interceding for the needs of the world, the Church, parish and home. Prayer for healing is always available for those who ask and we have often been asked by members of the wider church community to pray for those in need.

In order to meet the above aims, Charismatic Renewal offer various short courses designed to build faith relationships, focusing on the goodness of God, encouraging people to both welcome and use the gifts of God and to resist untruth in their lives. These are very strongly Scripture-based courses and those who have attended them often state that their lives have been enriched and that Scripture has “come alive” for them. These also help people to understand the teachings of the Church and invite those who attend to balance their faith lives with prayer, study, fellowship, and service.

CCR has its international office in Rome, and consists of thousands of local prayer groups and communities, as well as special ministries and services, in almost every country around the world.

Contact: Leo & Maureen Saunders – (03) 5152 2344.


Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that create a safe and honest space where people can explore life, faith and meaning. Two programs a year, which run for 10 weeks. Dates released when appropriate.

Contact the Parish Office for further details – (03) 5152 2942.