Little Angels Playgroup

St Mary’s Little Angels Playgroup has been running for over 40 years thanks to the parents and carers who volunteer to open and set up each session. 

There are two sessions a week, on Tuesdays from 9:30 am to11:30 am, and Fridays from 10:00 am to12:00 pm.

Each family is kindly asked to contribute $2 per session to cover expenses such as morning tea, toys and craft activities.

Thank you to St Mary’s Parish for supporting our Playgroup, allowing us to use the Parish Hall and covering our overhead and insurance costs. 

To keep playgroup running smoothly we ask all families to please:

  • Help set up/pack up equipment and clean-up afterwards when possible (stack chairs, sweep floor, pack cupboard etc)
  • Write the names of adults and children present in the log book
  • Keep the bikes off the carpet
  • Encourage children to eat at the tables provided
  • Enter from the rear entrance (via Subway/McDonalds Carpark) 

You are welcome to set up any equipment or activities that are in the Playgroup cupboard and encourage interaction with the children.

There is tea and coffee making facilities and we only ask that you tidy up, clean and pack away what you use.

For any other information or questions please contact:

Tuesday: Caroline Pruscino – 0400 074 446

Friday: Casey Grimsted – 0488 073 900

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